CAMILLE BOOKER “Remember that your story already exists inside you. If you sit down at the keyboard, the words will come.”
Q&A with Camille Booker, historical fiction author of The Woman In The Waves
VALERIE G MILLER “ I decided that if I was to follow my dream, I needed to start now. My dream? To write a novel (and novels) to be published.”
Q&A with historical fiction author Valerie G Miller on her debut novel There’s Something About You, Olivia Bennet
AMY FREUND “Your story has value and deserves to be heard and read, so keep trying!”
Q&A with debut children’s author Amy Freund
KIM ULRICK “Get the words down on the page and worry about editing later.”
Q&A with Kim Ulrick on her debut novel Bad Country.
MIRANDA BIRTHISEL “Being a mother is what started my passion for writing!”
Q&A with children's author Miranda Birthisel on Santa Bilby
TESS WOODS “If you have big dreams then don’t be afraid to dream big!”
Q&A with Tess Woods on The Venice Hotel
CASEY NOTT “Published or not, we all have creative worth and it’s important to remember that.”
Q&A with debut contemporary fiction author, Casey Nott
R.W.R. MCDONALD “Crime fiction lets me go dark whereas picture books make me go light – which is a great balance.”
Q&A with R.W.R. McDonald on his debut picture book Happy Millionth Birthday
SARAH SPEEDIE “Take the time to feel sad about a rejection, then pick yourself up and write another brilliant manuscript.”
Q&A with picture book author Sarah Speedie on Boss Cat
LIZ FOSTER “If you’ve written a novel and you can feel in your bones (and based on feedback) that it’s really got potential, keep going.”
Q&A with Liz Foster, debut author of The Good Woman’s Guide to Making Better Choices
DONNA M CAMERON “My books come to me in what I call ‘a whoosh.’”
Q&A with Donna M Cameron on her second novel The Rewilding.
ANNE FREEMAN “No one else in the world sees things as you do, so use that.”
Q&A with author Anne Freeman on Me That You See
KYLIE ORR “When I was longlisted in The Richell Prize, I cried. I knew it would be the turning point. And it was.”
Q&A with Kylie Orr on her second novel, The Eleventh Floor
RACHAEL JOHNS “It was almost fifteen years from when I first started writing to when I saw my first novel on shelves.”
Q&A with Rachael Johns on The Other Bridget - out now!

HOLLY CRAIG “I received 56 rejections all up on my first novel and each time, I submitted to five more agents.”
2nd Q&A with Holly Craig on her debut novel, The Shallows, 1 month from publication!
CHENÉE MARRAPODI “I decided to use NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as my motivation to complete a full rewrite.”
Q&A with debut middle-grade author of One Wrong Turn, Chenée Marrapodi

DI WALKER “That’s how I write – it’s a blurt write, I write a chapter each morning until it is done…”
Q&A with middle grade author, Di Walker on her new novel, Saving Charli

DANI VEE “My process is a lot of thinking, many false starts and persistence!”
Interview with Dani Vee, on the publication of her second picture book My EPIC Dad! Takes Us Camping, the first book in her EPIC Dad series!
KYLIE LADD “I find writing tough, but this book was a bit of a gift - it turned up exactly when I needed a distraction, and of all my novels it ended up being the closest to my original hopes...”
Q&A with women’s fiction author Kylie Ladd.
JESS KITCHING “I actually wrote How To Destroy Your Husband (a very rudimentary draft!) before I wrote The Girl She Was Before.”
Q&A with Jess Kitching on the publication day of her second novel, How To Destroy Your Husband.