AMY FREUND “Your story has value and deserves to be heard and read, so keep trying!”
Q&A with debut children’s author Amy Freund
MIRANDA BIRTHISEL “Being a mother is what started my passion for writing!”
Q&A with children's author Miranda Birthisel on Santa Bilby
LIZ FOSTER “If you’ve written a novel and you can feel in your bones (and based on feedback) that it’s really got potential, keep going.”
Q&A with Liz Foster, debut author of The Good Woman’s Guide to Making Better Choices
KYLIE ORR “When I was longlisted in The Richell Prize, I cried. I knew it would be the turning point. And it was.”
Q&A with Kylie Orr on her second novel, The Eleventh Floor
RACHAEL JOHNS “It was almost fifteen years from when I first started writing to when I saw my first novel on shelves.”
Q&A with Rachael Johns on The Other Bridget - out now!
NAOMI SHIPPEN “Rejection is inevitable, but you have to keep going.”
Q&A with Naomi Shippen on her debut thriller novel, Far From Harm.
KYLIE LADD “I find writing tough, but this book was a bit of a gift - it turned up exactly when I needed a distraction, and of all my novels it ended up being the closest to my original hopes...”
Q&A with women’s fiction author Kylie Ladd.
JESS KITCHING “I actually wrote How To Destroy Your Husband (a very rudimentary draft!) before I wrote The Girl She Was Before.”
Q&A with Jess Kitching on the publication day of her second novel, How To Destroy Your Husband.
DANI VEE “A few days after the interview, I asked if I could pitch two stories and he signed My EXTRAordinary Mum within two weeks.”
Q&A with debut author of My EXTRAordinary Mum, Dani Vee.
FIONA ROBERTSON “I entered the Glendower Award for an Emerging Queensland Writer in 2020, and winning that prize meant monetary support (thanks to sponsor Jenny Summerson) plus publication with UQP.”
Q&A with Fiona Robertson on her debut book - a short story collection titled, If You’re Happy.

JP MCDONALD “You can take control of your path but always be open to advice, celebrate the wins and knuckle down for the difficult times, leaning on a network to provide inspiration and support.”
Kelly’s Writerly Q&A with JP McDonald, debut sci-fi author of The Invisible Tether.