CAMILLE BOOKER “Remember that your story already exists inside you. If you sit down at the keyboard, the words will come.”
Q&A with Camille Booker, historical fiction author of The Woman In The Waves
JACQUELINE DE ROSE-AHERN “The more you keep writing and sharing, the more you will learn, develop and grow.”
Q&A with Jacqueline de Rose-Ahern on The Missing Book and The Secret Ingredient, the first two books in her new Ariana Treasure series of six Junior Fiction books due for realease this year!
VALERIE G MILLER “ I decided that if I was to follow my dream, I needed to start now. My dream? To write a novel (and novels) to be published.”
Q&A with historical fiction author Valerie G Miller on her debut novel There’s Something About You, Olivia Bennet
KIM ULRICK “Get the words down on the page and worry about editing later.”
Q&A with Kim Ulrick on her debut novel Bad Country.
TESS WOODS “If you have big dreams then don’t be afraid to dream big!”
Q&A with Tess Woods on The Venice Hotel

LISA KENWAY “There will always be another opportunity.”
Q&A with Lisa Kenway on her debut novel All You Took From Me
CASEY NOTT “Published or not, we all have creative worth and it’s important to remember that.”
Q&A with debut contemporary fiction author, Casey Nott
R.W.R. MCDONALD “Crime fiction lets me go dark whereas picture books make me go light – which is a great balance.”
Q&A with R.W.R. McDonald on his debut picture book Happy Millionth Birthday
SARAH SPEEDIE “Take the time to feel sad about a rejection, then pick yourself up and write another brilliant manuscript.”
Q&A with picture book author Sarah Speedie on Boss Cat
LIZ FOSTER “If you’ve written a novel and you can feel in your bones (and based on feedback) that it’s really got potential, keep going.”
Q&A with Liz Foster, debut author of The Good Woman’s Guide to Making Better Choices
ANNE FREEMAN “No one else in the world sees things as you do, so use that.”
Q&A with author Anne Freeman on Me That You See
RACHAEL JOHNS “It was almost fifteen years from when I first started writing to when I saw my first novel on shelves.”
Q&A with Rachael Johns on The Other Bridget - out now!

HOLLY CRAIG “I received 56 rejections all up on my first novel and each time, I submitted to five more agents.”
2nd Q&A with Holly Craig on her debut novel, The Shallows, 1 month from publication!
NAOMI SHIPPEN “Rejection is inevitable, but you have to keep going.”
Q&A with Naomi Shippen on her debut thriller novel, Far From Harm.
CHENÉE MARRAPODI “I decided to use NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) as my motivation to complete a full rewrite.”
Q&A with debut middle-grade author of One Wrong Turn, Chenée Marrapodi

DI WALKER “That’s how I write – it’s a blurt write, I write a chapter each morning until it is done…”
Q&A with middle grade author, Di Walker on her new novel, Saving Charli

JESS KITCHING “Querying was tough though, and I was debating giving up right before I received my offer from Kingsley.”
Kelly’s Writerly Q&A with Jess Kitching