LISA KENWAY “There will always be another opportunity.”
Q&A with Lisa Kenway on her debut novel All You Took From Me
KYLIE LADD “I find writing tough, but this book was a bit of a gift - it turned up exactly when I needed a distraction, and of all my novels it ended up being the closest to my original hopes...”
Q&A with women’s fiction author Kylie Ladd.
ANNE FREEMAN “Writing can be a solitary pursuit but if you find the courage to put up your hand and tell the world you’re writing, you will find your squad.”
Q&A with Anne Freeman, debut author of Returning to Adelaide - escapist women’s fiction with a Greek twist!

HOLLY CRAIG “I was lucky enough to receive a place in the three-month writing course with Curtis Brown and that was the stepping stone into my finding an agent!”
Interview with Holly Craig, author of The Shallows due for release in 2023.

JP MCDONALD “You can take control of your path but always be open to advice, celebrate the wins and knuckle down for the difficult times, leaning on a network to provide inspiration and support.”
Kelly’s Writerly Q&A with JP McDonald, debut sci-fi author of The Invisible Tether.