AMY FREUND “Your story has value and deserves to be heard and read, so keep trying!”
Q&A with debut children’s author Amy Freund
KIM ULRICK “Get the words down on the page and worry about editing later.”
Q&A with Kim Ulrick on her debut novel Bad Country.

LISA KENWAY “There will always be another opportunity.”
Q&A with Lisa Kenway on her debut novel All You Took From Me
CASEY NOTT “Published or not, we all have creative worth and it’s important to remember that.”
Q&A with debut contemporary fiction author, Casey Nott

HOLLY CRAIG “I received 56 rejections all up on my first novel and each time, I submitted to five more agents.”
2nd Q&A with Holly Craig on her debut novel, The Shallows, 1 month from publication!
NAOMI SHIPPEN “Rejection is inevitable, but you have to keep going.”
Q&A with Naomi Shippen on her debut thriller novel, Far From Harm.

CLAIRE VAN RYN “Set yourself ludicrously achievable goals. Like writing for five minutes a day. You can do that!”
Q&A with Claire Van Ryn on the publication of her debut novel The Secrets Of The Huon Wren
DANI VEE “A few days after the interview, I asked if I could pitch two stories and he signed My EXTRAordinary Mum within two weeks.”
Q&A with debut author of My EXTRAordinary Mum, Dani Vee.